
Mines Minister Kizito Pakabomba visits TFM, the DRC's copper and cobalt mining giant

Elie Budiadia, August 21 2024

Mines Minister Kizito Pakabomba visits TFM, the DRC's copper and cobalt mining giant

Arriving in Fungurume on Saturday, August 17, the Minister of Mines Kizito Pakapomba was welcomed at the Tenke Fungurume Mining airport by CEO Wang Hanyuan and some members of the general management. With the CEO, a large delegation lined up at the foot of the plane to welcome the minister. The presence of the DGA of Gécamines was noted. Other government departments also welcomed the minister. The commune of Fungurume, the DGM, the Mines Division, the TFM Endowment, representatives of the Bayeke chiefdom and many other departments all gave the minister a warm welcome.

Mines Minister Kizito Pakabomba visits TFM, the DRC's copper and cobalt mining giant · Official website of Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM)

This morgue, with a capacity of 24 bodies, will provide lasting relief to the population of Fungurume and the surrounding area as it will relieve the existing morgue with a smaller capacity. It will also be attached to the general reference hospital, with a capacity of 200 beds, which will be built as part of TFM's specifications.

Mines Minister Kizito Pakabomba visits TFM, the DRC's copper and cobalt mining giant · Official website of Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM)

The first phase of the visit ended with a one-on-one meeting between the Minister and the CEO before the head of the DRC mines could resume his journey for other missions as part of his itinerancy. The following day, the Minister continued his inspection visit of the projects carried out by Dotation-TFM in the Tenke agglomeration, in particular the electrification project and the asphalting of the main road in this region. Indeed, it is since taking office that the Minister has taken up the pilgrim's staff to meet with miners in their operating areas throughout the national territory. As a reminder, TFM is one of the largest producers of copper and cobalt in the DRC. It is a joint venture between Gécamines, a state-owned company, with a 20% stake, and CMOC 80%. In 2023, the company produced 280,297 tonnes of copper and 21,592 tonnes of cobalt.

Mines Minister Kizito Pakabomba visits TFM, the DRC's copper and cobalt mining giant · Official website of Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM)