Public Health

TFM has invested in improving Public Health services within its concession area
TFM has implemented a comprehensive community health program aimed at improving the health of populations living within its concession area. This program involves supporting the health zone of Fungurume in collaboration with local and national organizations.
A study revealed that waterborne diseases, linked to the lack of access to clean water and sanitation, were the second most significant public health issue after malaria in the region. In response, TFM has undertaken several impactful measures.
Improving access to clean water
By drilling water wells in rural and urban areas (Tenke and Fungurume),
Funding of the "Sanitized Village" project
Funding and capacity-building initiatives to ensure the sustainability of these achievements
A detailed action plan for community health has been developed to address the health priorities identified following a baseline study conducted in 2008. Since 2008, there has been a provision of medicines and inputs to combat epidemics in the health zone. Since 2021, with the emergence of COVID-19, there has been a special provision.

Health Program
TFM's health program involves supporting the community through the Fungurume health zone. Geographically, the health zone boundaries extend far beyond TFM's concession. This support has essentially evolved in two phases:
- From 2008 to 2020: Support to the health zone through the CHAP (Community Health Action Plan).
- From 2021 to 2025: Tenke Fungurume Mining's specifications
Community Health Action Plan
The Community Health Action Plan (CHAP) focused on four areas:
- Infrastructure and equipment
- Hygiene, water, and sanitation
- HIV/Tuberculosis
- Malaria control
- Maternal and child health
Malaria Prevention
Zero malaria in the concession. To achieve this, TFM has implemented holistic health programs:
- Indoor Residual Spraying
- School Environment Prevalence Survey
- Distribution of Insecticide-Treated Nets
- Environmental Sanitation
- Provision of Drugs and Adequate Equipment to the Fungurume Health Zone.
Support via the specifications document
TFM's specifications document defines TFM's corporate social responsibility to the community of its mining concession. The specifications document was signed in January 2021 and will cover a term of 5 years, from 2021 to 2015. The Health sector of the specifications document covers several projects.
Projects under this section will be carried out during the implementation period of the specifications document, from 2021 to 2025.
- Construction of a general reference hospital (HGR): Feasibility studies conducted under the funding of the Community Social Fund and led by BUCCO, a local consulting firm; Feasibility studies presented to the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Health; Notification of approval and go-ahead from the General Secretary for the commencement of works (Recommendations); Formation of a shortlist of contractors.
- Construction of three health centers: Work initiation process underway
- Construction of four health posts: Work initiation process underway
- Malaria control: Distribution of inputs and malaria control drugs; Conducting a malaria prevalence survey in school settings; 180,000 MILDs of piperoynl butoxide (PBO) and deltamethrin to be acquired for mass distribution to replace the PID; Installation of community care sites underway (Lukotola and Mulumbu), terms of reference (TOR) and debit notes (ND) received.
- Response and fight against epidemics: Distribution of inputs and drugs to fight epidemics and certain diseases filling the gap of technical and financial partners (PTF) (Cholera, Measles, Covid-19, HIV AIDS/Sexually transmitted infections, Tuberculosis); Organization of an active tuberculosis case search campaign.
- Strengthening the capacities of healthcare personnel and members of the Development and Health Committees (CODESA): Various training sessions underway according to the health zone schedule.
- Disease prevention: Various awareness campaigns underway according to the health zone schedule; Celebrations of health days according to the health zone schedule
- Acquisition of 3 garbage trucks and 10 metal bins. Acquisition process underway.
- Access to drinking water. Initiation process of various works underway: 71 wells and 1 industrial well of 220 m; 1 water tower of 200 m3; 50 fountains (each with more than 5 taps); Development of 2 drinking water sources in the villages of Kabwe Dikuku and Kifungo.
This holistic approach underscores TFM's commitment to act as a catalyst for positive change in the field of community health, just as its dedication to prioritize education in its community development initiatives.