


Life has no price, identifying hazards, a matter for everyone - Safety Slogan

Tenke Fungurume Mining's ultimate goal is to continually improve health and safety in order to eliminate injuries and incidents. Simultaneously, we aim to enhance our methods, performance, and overall system in this area. To achieve this objective, TFM has devised an annual risk-free production plan, outlining the objectives, resources, timelines, and implementation frameworks. This plan serves as a roadmap towards our ultimate goal. Additionally, the Board of Directors reviews this plan quarterly, enabling the company to consistently uphold and enhance its commitment to workplace safety.

Tenke Fungurume Mining promotes safe and healthy working conditions in its operating area. To foster renewed commitment from its employees and those of subcontracting companies, TFM has been running the workplace safety awareness campaign called « Mission Possible » since 2014.

The purpose of this campaign is to encourage each employee to play a role, individually and as a group, in workplace safety culture.

Safety · Official website of Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM)
Safety · Official website of Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM)
Safety · Official website of Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM)
Safety · Official website of Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM)

Mission Possible involves working without recordable injury or potentially fatal events for a continuous period of at least 61 days. However, since its launch, workers have broken the record twice. The key to success is that everyone is aware of the tasks and activities she(he) undertakes and follows the established safety procedures in carrying out their tasks.

Commitment of the General Management

The hygiene and safety at work of all Tenke Fungurume Mining employees as well as our commitment to the environment are a priority for the company.

Our goal is zero injuries and zero occupational diseases in the workplace. Certainly, production and costs are essential to the economic health of the company, but these considerations must never take precedence over employee Hygiene and Safety at work or the environment. We believe that all injuries and occupational diseases can be prevented. We believe that Hygiene and Safety at work are compatible with all other management functions of the company and are naturally an integral part of it. As such, good hygiene and Safety management at work positively improves production or related costs.

A fundamental tenet of our policy is that there is compliance between applicable internal and external Hygiene and Safety at work standards. Because Hygiene and Safety at work is the responsibility of the company's General Management, Hygiene and Safety practices and policies are actively supported by the company's General Management. Additionally, each employee is called upon to take individual active responsibility for their own safety and that of their colleagues. It is every employee's job to create a work environment that eliminates occupational diseases and accident risks as much as possible. If a risk cannot be eliminated, then employees must work together to ensure it is effectively controlled. The assignment of responsibility and the determination of accountability measures for Hygiene and Safety performance apply to all management levels. The Board of Directors ensures this and regularly receives performance reports.

We will measure the progress made in achieving our goals based on regularly established criteria. We will provide the training and resources necessary to meet our Hygiene and Safety criteria, and General Management will be held accountable for the results. General Management must adequately, effectively, and continuously assume its responsibilities in Hygiene and Safety at work. It must also play its role in preventing injuries and preserving the health of the people under its supervision.

Employees will be properly trained and held accountable for following all prescribed Hygiene and Safety procedures and practices. Hygiene and Safety issues at work will not be compromised. Each employee is responsible for their own safety and the environment in which they work. No work can be considered too important and no schedule too urgent if we cannot take the time to ensure the task can be performed safely. Working safely is a condition of our commitment.

A matter of work philosophy and practice. We will hold all contractors operating in our facilities accountable to the same level of safety that we expect from ourselves. All contracts will include specific safety provisions designed to achieve this result.

We will regularly conduct thorough audits in the field of hygiene and safety at work in our operations to assess the state of compliance with our hygiene and safety programs and communicate the information to General Management.

Hygiene and Safety professionals working in our operating units help General Management achieve Hygiene and Safety goals at work. They will assist General Management in the development and implementation of effective safety programs, and design methods to effectively measure safety performance at work. They will also analyze the results and make recommendations to improve performance.

We are committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace and allocating sufficient resources through training programs, safety incentives, and occupational disease programs to achieve leadership levels in compliance with recognized international standards. We view Hygiene and Safety programs at work as an investment in our most valuable resource, our employees.

    High-risk management

    Our High-Risk Management is an operations-oriented approach allowing to signal high-risk and see that critical controls are defined, implemented and effective at the front line. This approach enhances the sense of accountability on the part of TFM employees and contractors through planned reporting and verification.

    This approach aims to enhance high risk awareness and critical controls and to ultimately manage Global Significant Risks (GSR).

    Under this approach, TFM has put in place 3 effective tools in the work areas, including:

    • Icons visually representing high risks;
    • Critical control checklists;
    • An INX system to monitor the status of real-time inspections.

    • Vehicle collision · Official website of Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM)
    • Hazardous underground atmosphere · Official website of Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM)
    • Risk of bumping · Official website of Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM)
    • Underground rock fall · Official website of Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM)
    • Strong airflow · Official website of Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM)
    • Landslide · Official website of Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM)
    • Suspended loads · Official website of Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM)
    • Uncontrolled release of energy · Official website of Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM)
    • Aerial lift · Official website of Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM)
    • Fire · Official website of Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM)
    • Fall from height · Official website of Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM)
    • Caution: hazardous substances · Official website of Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM)
    • Hand pinching · Official website of Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM)
    • Confined space · Official website of Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM)
    • Drowning · Official website of Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM)
    • Electrocution · Official website of Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM)
    • Mining · Official website of Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM)
    • Air traffic · Official website of Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM)

    Zero damage

    Nothing is more important than the health and safety of our staff, our families and our communities. In our facilities, safety is everyone’s responsibility. Our approach consists of continually improving our performance through the implementation of health and safety incentive programs at the workplace.

    Our main goal is to make sure every employee returns home safe and sound after their daily tasks. We constantly work to ensure safe production, which is every employee’s main objective.